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Michael Ford

Hello! My name is Michael Ford! 

I am a recent graduate from the University of Southern California, with an Interactive Media major and Game Audio and Game Programming minors.

My primary focus is game design, specifically the creation and planning of game systems and mechanics. Technical experience in sound design and game programming gives me the tools to bring my visions to life and immerse players in the experience.

On Swingggggg, I gained a strong understanding of core feature prototyping, and the many uses and applications it can have in game development. Along the way, I created an inventive and unique puzzle-action game with a vibrant neon theme.


I spent three months in the summer of 2022 working with the Saleblazers team at Airstrafe Interactive doing design work for player minigames, resource balancing, and the core shopkeeping loop.


My role in the Turtle Town project evolved over time. I started off as the designer/programmer of a 2-person team in the spring of 2020, then pitched the game to the USC faculty and worked as the creative director of a 30-person team for a year of development

Turtle Town withlogo_edited.jpg

My responsibilities consisted of outlining core mechanics at the beginning of the project, and creating game design documents that outlined key features such as the combat system, the integration of rhythm into the gameplay, and environmental events that could occur. 


Ambush! combines the strategy and card specialization of fantasy card games such as Magic: The Gathering with the fast, fun gameplay of Egyptian Rat Slap. 

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